Decision Making Framework for Decentralized Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing
Cloud computing (CC), Virtual Machine (VM), Managing Host (MH), Acting Host (AH). -
In distributed cloud environment hosts are configured with Local Resource Monitors (LRM). This LRM monitors the underlying hosts’ resource usage, runs independently and balances the underling host’s load by migrating Virtual Machine (VM) instance. For the dynamic environment, each hosts has varying resource requirement, hosts load cannot remain constant. LRM at each host takes decision for VM migration considering static threshold on its own and other hosts current CPU utilization. This result in chances of getting selected same host for VM placement by multiple hosts to reduce resource usage of underlying hosts. The decision making at each server causes the problem of same host identification by multiple hosts during VM placement and consumes extra CPU power and network bandwidth consumption towards each server. This paper addresses the above said issue by proposing decentralized decision making framework for cloud considering hybrid Peer to Peer (P2P) network topology. Proposed solution results avoiding above said issues and balances the load across servers in DC.
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How to Cite
B.Rathod, S., & Krishna Reddy, V. (2018). Decision Making Framework for Decentralized Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.7), 705-709. date: 2018-04-02
Accepted date: 2018-04-02
Published date: 2018-03-18