A Practical performance verification of AFLC based MPPT for standalone PV power system under varying weather condi-tion

  • Authors

    • Neeraj Priyadarshi
    • Amarjeet Kr. Sharma
    • Akash Kumar Bhoi
    • S N. Ahmad
    • Farooque Azam
    • S Priyam
  • AFLC, FLC, MPPT, Perturb Observe (P and O), Zeta Buck-Boost Converter.
  • Abstract

    For amelioration of tracking efficiency, the Maximum power point trackers (MPPT) are very important for photovoltaic (PV) generation. For this purpose here a reformed adaptive fuzzy logic control (FLC) MPPT tracker has been presented to enhance its overall power efficiency and gives rapid transient response under changing weather conditions. For voltage regulation at load bus, the zeta buck-boost converter has been taken for its least voltage ripple. MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation environment and dSPACE DS1104 real time control board is used to test the proposed adaptive fuzzy logic controller based MPPT in variable irradiance level and ambient tempera-ture. The tracking efficiency in this presented method is analyzed in comparison with standard fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and perturb and observe (P and O) MPPT algorithms. The modified AFLC controller gives better tracking efficiency and precise response compared to conventional fuzzy logic controller and P and O MPPT algorithms. Theoretical and experimental results obtained are demonstrated for improved functioning of the system.



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  • How to Cite

    Priyadarshi, N., Kr. Sharma, A., Kumar Bhoi, A., N. Ahmad, S., Azam, F., & Priyam, S. (2018). A Practical performance verification of AFLC based MPPT for standalone PV power system under varying weather condi-tion. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.12), 338-343. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i2.12.11319

    Received date: 2018-04-09

    Accepted date: 2018-04-09

    Published date: 2018-04-03