Multi biometric Template Protection using Hybrid Technique

  • Authors

    • G Karthi Research Scholar
    • M Ezhilarasan Professor
  • Template Protection, Biometric Hashing, Pin, Multimodal Biometrics, Uni-modal Biometrics and Authentication.
  • Abstract

    Recently, multi-biometrics system has been the important identification system for providing authentication mechanism. In this pa-per, the multi-biometric recognition system uses multiple traits (face, iris and fingerprint) for authentication. The features are extracted from the traits and feature level fusion technique is applied to the individual features traits to form a fused feature. Protection of these biometrics features against various attacks points is an important concern for authentication process. One such attack is the modification of stored template, which largely affects the performance of biometric recognition system. This paper addresses this concern, by apply-ing template protection algorithm to the biometric features. An improved hybrid template protection algorithm is proposed to protect the biometric template.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm works better than the existing algorithms available. The proposed algorithm provides better protection to the template. Further, attacks are performed on the proposed system which provide strong resistant against the attacks.


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  • How to Cite

    Karthi, G., & Ezhilarasan, M. (2018). Multi biometric Template Protection using Hybrid Technique. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2609-2613.

    Received date: 2018-04-13

    Accepted date: 2018-09-12

    Published date: 2018-09-24