Properties of CO2 sand brick
Silica Sand, Environmental Friendly, Recyclable, Carbon Dioxide, Sodium Silicate. -
Brick is the most commonly used building material for construction. The CO2 absorption in the brick manufacturing process can provide a green environment. Therefore, focus should be now on seeking eco – friendly solutions for greener environment. Thus the paper
focused on the Carbon di-oxide sand brick which can be manufactured by using carbon di-oxide gas injected into the air tight mould which contains silica sand with sodium silicate and dipping with epoxy resin as a binding agent which provides 2.5 times higher strength than the normal concrete structure in tensile strength and also it requires less reinforcement in place of concrete walls. -
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How to Cite
Krishnaveni, S., Balaji, P., Manigandan, R., Mohamed Haroon, H., & Kesavan, S. (2018). Properties of CO2 sand brick. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2830-2834. date: 2018-04-15
Accepted date: 2018-05-30
Published date: 2018-10-06