Detection of copy-move image forgery using SVD and cuckoo search algorithm

  • Authors

    • Abhishek Kashyap
    • Megha Agarwal
    • Hariom Gupta
  • Image Forgery Detection, Copy-Move, SVD, Cuckoo Search Algorithm.
  • Copy-move Copy move forgery (CMF) is one of the straightforward strategies to create forged images. To detect this kind of forgery one of the widely used method is single value decomposition (SVD). Few methods based on SVD are most acceptable but some methods are less acceptable because these methods highly depend on those parameters value, which is manually selected depending upon the tampered images. For different images, we require different parameter values. In this paper, we have proposed a novel method, which uses both copy-move forgery detection using SVD and Cuckoo search (CS) algorithm. It utilizes Cuckoo search algorithm to generate customized parameter values for different tampered images, which are used in copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) under block based framework.


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  • How to Cite

    Kashyap, A., Agarwal, M., & Gupta, H. (2018). Detection of copy-move image forgery using SVD and cuckoo search algorithm. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.13), 79-87.