Collaborative filtering-based recommendation of online social voting
Matrix Factorization, Nearest Neighbors, Recommendations, Recommender Systems, Social Voting. -
Social voting is becoming the new reason behind social recommendation these days. It helps in providing accurate recommendations with the help of factors like social trust etc. Here we propose Matrix factorization (MF) and nearest neighbor-based recommender systems accommodating the factors of user activities and also compared them with the peer reviewers, to provide a accurate recommendation. Through experiments we realized that the affiliation factors are very much needed for improving the accuracy of the recommender systems. This information helps us to overcome the cold start problem of the recommendation system and also y the analysis this information was much useful to cold users than to heavy users. In our experiments simple neighborhood model outperform the computerized matrix factorization models in the hot voting and non hot voting recommendation. We also proposed a hybrid recommender system producing a top-k recommendation inculcating different single approaches.
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How to Cite
Mohammed Ismail, D., K. Bhanu Prakash, D., & M. Nagabhushana Rao, D. (2018). Collaborative filtering-based recommendation of online social voting. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 1504-1507. date: 2018-04-16
Accepted date: 2018-07-06
Published date: 2018-07-16