Conceptual oriented study on the cloud computing architecture for the full-security
Cloud Computing, Security Infrastructure, Cloud Computing Architectures, Enforcing Security among Cloud Computing Systems. -
Many developers have designed their own architecture for installing the cloud computing infrastructure. The existing cloud computing architectures differs in many ways. Security has been the serious issue as client related data and processing is un-dertaken using the infrastructure provided by third party service providers varies greatly. It is necessary to know the extent of inclusion of security into the cloud computing system and then find the best architecture that includes best and tight security system.
In this paper, a comparison of existing architectures from the perspective of inclusion of security infrastructure within cloud computing system is presented along with a comprehensive architecture that is included with every aspect of security taking into account the most of the vulnerabilities
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How to Cite
K.Sai Manoj, D., K.Mrudula, M., Maanasa, G., & Phani Srinivas, K. (2018). Conceptual oriented study on the cloud computing architecture for the full-security. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2491-2493. date: 2018-04-17
Accepted date: 2018-08-24
Published date: 2018-09-24