Modeling of A Single Phase 7-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
Received date: April 18, 2018
Accepted date: April 18, 2018
Published date: March 11, 2018
Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter, Total Harmonic Distortion, SPWM- Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation, SPWM disposition and SPWM phase opposition disposition technique. -
Recently, almost all industrial devices are mostly built on electronic devices which are precisely sensitive to harmonic. In order to meet the requirement from the industries demand aimed at a free-harmonics and high power rating source is remarkably increased in past few years. An inverter which a device or electric circuit that convert direct current to alternating current is one of the electronic devices that give concern to researchers for improvement of generating a neat power source. The inverter can be categorized into a single level and multilevel inverter. As compared to single level inverter, multilevel inverter offers minimum harmonic distortion and higher power output. This paper presents a model of multilevel inverter using 7-level Cascaded H-Bridge of multilevel DC-AC inverter to reduce total harmonic distortion with different sinusoidal pulse width modulation such as phase disposition and phase opposition disposition. Simulation output of single phase multilevel inverter cascaded H-bridge are analysed and verified in the Matlab/Simulink software. The result show that the 7-level cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter with phase disposition technique generate less total harmonic distortion if it is compared to the phase opposition disposition technique.
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How to Cite
Mulyo Utomo, W., Abu Bakar, A., Alias, S., Sy Yi, S., Ikhsan Setiawan, M., Wiwoho Mudjanarko, S., Sukoco, A., M. Buswig, Y., & Taufik, T. (2018). Modeling of A Single Phase 7-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.6), 327-330. date: April 18, 2018
Accepted date: April 18, 2018
Published date: March 11, 2018