To detect abnormal event at ATM system by using image processing based on IOT technologies
Use GSM and GPS, LCD, DC and Stepper Motor, Vibration sensor, ARM controller. -
Now a day’s ATMs are equipped with money there is possibility of robberies. This paper proposes a framework which will provide high security in ATMs. The Prototype includes ARM controller, Vibration Sensor, GSM and GPS Technique, DC Motor, Stepper motor, Buzz-er, LCD Display, and Keil Tool. Whenever robbery occurs, Vibration sensor is used here which senses vibration produced from ATM machine. This system uses ARM controller based embedded system to process real time data collected using the vibration sensor. Once the vibration is sensed the beep sound will occur from the buzzer. DC Motor is used for closing the door of ATM.
Stepper motor is used to leak the gas inside the ATM to bring the thief into unconscious stage. Camera is always in processing and sending video continuous to the PC and it will be saved in computer. RTC used to capture the robber occur time and sends the SMS and MMS to the nearby police station and corresponding bank through the GSM and GPS. Here LCD displays board using showing the output of the message continuously. This will prevent the robbery and the person involving in robbery can be easily caught. Here, Keil tools are used to implement the idea and results are obtained. keil tools is used for run the DC motor and stepper motor for automatic door lock and also leak the gas inside the ATM. By this system robberies will be stopped and the complaints cases also reduced maximally. Thus the proposed framework results are revealed that the framework can be providing high security to the ATM System's
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How to Cite
Archana, K., & Bhaskara Reddy, P. (2018). To detect abnormal event at ATM system by using image processing based on IOT technologies. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 1000-1004. date: 2018-04-20
Accepted date: 2018-05-03
Published date: 2018-06-14