Nonlinear active control of a cancerous tumour
Tumour, immune, active control, chemotherapy. -
This paper deals with the control of a cancerous tumour growth. The model used is a Three-Dimensional Cancer Model (TDCM). The competition terms include tumour cells, healthy cells, and immune cells. Nature of the competition among the populations of tumour cells, healthy host cells, and immune cells results in a chaotic behaviour. In this paper, a nonlinear active control has been used to control the growth of a tumour. Effect of chemotherapy drug on the different cell populations has been studied. Our control objective is to control the tumour growth and minimize its population to a small value which can be considered as harmless.Along with the above objective, the normal cell population is also be maintained at a particular level. This work has been done completely inin-sillico environment. The simulation results are shown extensively to support the theoretical analysis and confirmed that the preliminary objectives of the paper are attained.
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How to Cite
Shankar Dey, B., Kumar Bera, M., & Krishna Roy, B. (2018). Nonlinear active control of a cancerous tumour. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.21), 72-76. date: 2018-04-21
Accepted date: 2018-04-21
Published date: 2018-04-20