Automatic segmentation of chondroblastoma from X-ray images using active contour and levelset method
Chondroblastoma, computer aided methods, segmentation, active contour, levelset method, CAD, -
Chondroblastoma is a benign but locally aggressive bone tumor found usually in the age below 25 years. Chondroblastoma is a destructive type of lesion with a thin radio dense border which is normally seen in the epiphysis of long bones. The benign tumors have similarities in pathology and could be related with histogenic similarity. This tumor reduces the strength of affected bone and may leads to death if not treated early. Chondroblastoma can be diagnosed from X-ray/CT/MRI images and the treatment is its removal by surgical methods. Diagnosis of Chondroblastoma is difficult due to the similarities with other benign tumors like chondromyxoid fibroma. To reduce diagnostic errors, computer aided methods can adopt. This work focuses on automatic segmentation of Chondroblastoma using active contour and level set method which gives better segmentation results and a mild stone to CAD design.
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How to Cite
Y. Muhammed Anshad, P., & S.S. Kumar, D. (2018). Automatic segmentation of chondroblastoma from X-ray images using active contour and levelset method. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.21), 140-143. date: 2018-04-21
Accepted date: 2018-04-21
Published date: 2018-04-20