The study of hydraulic hammer device in drilling tool assembly in hydraulical rotary drilling
Hydraulic Hammer Device, Hydraulical Rotary Drilling, Drill Tool Assembly, Piston, Near-Bit Hydraulic Hammer. -
The article presents the study of a hydraulic hammer device for rotary well drilling. The mathematical model of the hydraulic hammer device has been described and studied, the relation of the dynamic load changes on the rock-destruction tool from the principal parameters of the hydraulic hammer device have been obtained. The trial rotary boring with the use of a hydraulic hammer device in drill tool assembly has been carried out, an increase in the drilling penetration rate has been achieved by 47%.
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How to Cite
I. Suleimanov, R., S. Gabdrakhimov, M., Ya. Khabibullin, M., M. Zaripova, L., & R. Vasilyeva, E. (2018). The study of hydraulic hammer device in drilling tool assembly in hydraulical rotary drilling. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.23), 28-30. date: 2018-04-22
Accepted date: 2018-04-22
Published date: 2018-04-20