Assessment of the possibility of using the method of sludge-lignin dehydration of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill by the freeze-thaw method

  • Authors

    • DI Stom
    • GO Zhdanova
    • SA Potekhin
    • AE Balayan
    • MN Saksonov Saksonov
    • MV Butyrin
    • VV Kondratiev
    • NA Ivanov
    • V Spirin
    • DA Kizeev
  • sludge-lignin, Baikal pulp and paper mill, freeze-thawing, sludge dewatering, worm transformation of sludge-lignin, organic fertilizer, bio-soil.
  • Abstract

    An estimation of the possibility of dehydration of sludge-lignin of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill by the freeze-thaw method was carried out. Change of sludge-lignin structure, physicochemical properties and chemical composition after freeze-thaw are shown. Toxicity and chemical composition of the water solution separated from the sludge-lignin during its freeze-thaw is estimated. An increase in the rate of germination of seeds of the cress in the soil with the addition of the frozen-out sludge-lignin in the ratio "sludge-lignin-soil" 1:3-1:4 is shown. Possibility of application and recommendations for the use of freezed out sludge-lignin as an organic fertilizer is considered. Principal possibility of the worm transformation of sludge-lignin, previously dehydrated by the freeze-thaw method, by red Californian worms Eisenia foetida Andrei Bouche (1972) is shown. The issue of prospects for processing this waste in a fertile bio-soil is discussed. The latter can later be used for recultivation of the territory of the sludge accumulator plots of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill.



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  • How to Cite

    Stom, D., Zhdanova, G., Potekhin, S., Balayan, A., Saksonov Saksonov, M., Butyrin, M., Kondratiev, V., Ivanov, N., Spirin, V., & Kizeev, D. (2018). Assessment of the possibility of using the method of sludge-lignin dehydration of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill by the freeze-thaw method. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.23), 114-118.

    Received date: 2018-04-22

    Accepted date: 2018-04-22

    Published date: 2018-04-20