Control of Antenna Azimuth Position using Fractional order Lead Compensator

  • Authors

    • E Govinda Kumar
    • R Prakash
    • S Rishivanth
    • S A. Anburaja
    • A Gopi Krishna
  • Control of Antenna Azimuth Position, fraction order calculus, fractional order lead compensator, lead compensator, PI controller.
  • Abstract

    This paper addresses the position control of antenna azimuth using proportional and integral (PI) controller and lead compensators. The fractional order calculus plays an important role for designing the robust control. The fractional order lead compensator is proposed for enhancing the closed loop performance of azimuth position control of antenna system. From the comparison of the closed loop responses, the proposed lead compensator delivers a superior closed loop performance when compared with PI controller and lead compensator.


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  • How to Cite

    Govinda Kumar, E., Prakash, R., Rishivanth, S., A. Anburaja, S., & Gopi Krishna, A. (2018). Control of Antenna Azimuth Position using Fractional order Lead Compensator. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.24), 166-171.

    Received date: 2018-04-24

    Accepted date: 2018-04-24

    Published date: 2018-04-25