Recent Analysis of Maximum Rain Period

  • Authors

    • Fitridawati Soehardi
    • Marta Dinata
  • Design of rainfall, return period, Iway Kadoya, log Pearson III, EJ Gumbell methods, .
  • Abstract

    Control and Handling of Flood Issues No Regardless of optimum infrastructure availability in flood control efforts such as soil walls, irrigation networks, dams, drainage and others. Planning in the design of water structures for flood control needs to use accurate information and data of the population, such as information on the maximum rainfall data of the area with a certain repetition period, it is necessary to calculate the flood discharge of the plan so that it can calculate the capacity of the dam to be built. This study aims to determine the ratio of maximum rainfall using three calculation methods, namely Iway Kadoya, EJ Gumbel and Log Person III. This research was conducted to get an idea of the maximum rainfall with a return period of 2,5,10,15,20, .... 100 years. The location of this research is conducted in Tualang Subdistrict, the data of the period of maximum rainfall is using the data of rainfall observation station in Tualang Subdistrict. Based on the calculation of rainfall design done can be concluded that the calculation of rainfall design with Iway Kadoya method is greater when compared with Log Pearson Type III and EJ method. Gumbel.  

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  • How to Cite

    Soehardi, F., & Dinata, M. (2018). Recent Analysis of Maximum Rain Period. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.3), 63-67.

    Received date: 2018-05-01

    Accepted date: 2018-05-01

    Published date: 2018-03-08