Low profile microstrip fed printed antenna for portable RF energy harvesting system

  • Authors

    • Rajasekhar Alladi Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India-520007
    • Praveen V. Naidu Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India-520007
    • Raveendra P Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India-520007
    • Srinivasa Reddy Kotha Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India-520007
    • Siva Charan Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India-520007
    • Sai Harish Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India-520007
  • Microstrip Antenna, Printed Antenna, RF Energy Harvesting, Small Antenna, Wideband Antenna.
  • Abstract

    This work presents, a printed wideband microstrip antenna that can be used for portable RF energy harvesting applications. The antenna is designed, simulated and validated using 3D electromagnetic HFSS simulator. The targeted frequency band of operations are from 0.825 GHz to 1.05 GHz for catering GSM/3G wireless applications. Following the antenna design in the HFSS software, the structure has been fabricated on low cost substrate FR4 and the structure performance is analyzed experimentally. The achieved wideband, omni directional patterns with constant gain monopole antenna can be suitable for all portable system applications.

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  • How to Cite

    Alladi, R., Naidu, P. V., P, R., Kotha, S. R., Charan, S., & Harish, S. (2018). Low profile microstrip fed printed antenna for portable RF energy harvesting system. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2), 828-831. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i2.12435

    Received date: 2018-05-04

    Accepted date: 2018-05-14

    Published date: 2018-05-24