Safe sonet: a framework for building trustworthy relationships

  • Authors

    • Neethu. MR
    • N Harini
  • SNS Security, Transliteration, Machine Learning, Trust Modeling, Recommender.
  • Abstract

    The advent of easy to use services and the ability to bridge boundaries in space and time has increasingly changed our social lives and com-munication habits. Being unaware of their audience people on social networks inconsiderately share many personal items. Generally Social Networking Sites (SNS) users depend on the SNS platform for managing their social identities. Although SNS providers have introduced privacy settings to protect users against threats, these are insufficient and the access control models are difficult to be understood by novice users [1]. Unexpectedly, even those who are aware of the security and privacy threats and the preventive tools that combat those threats, lack the motivation to utilize security features to protect themselves. The paper discusses a frame-work (Safe SoNet) that aims to provide a plat-form for secure sharing of posts. The objective of this framework is twofold. Firstly, to analyze user behavior by retrieving user information from various social networking sites, addressing transliteration issues. Secondly, apply the user behavior to quantify the trust score of a connect, which would in turn form a decision making parameter to decide on the peer with whom the information can be securely shared.



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  • How to Cite

    MR, N., & Harini, N. (2018). Safe sonet: a framework for building trustworthy relationships. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.26), 57-62.

    Received date: 2018-05-06

    Accepted date: 2018-05-06

    Published date: 2018-05-07