Generation of dynamic energy management using data mining techniques basing on big data analytics isssues in smart grids

  • Authors

    • Dr E. Laxmi Lydia
    • B Prasanna Kumar
    • D Ramya
  • Big Data Issues, Smart Grids, Dynamic Energy Management, Performance, Load Classification, Distributed Systems.
  • Abstract

    The Optimal bidirectional flow of the electric power and the communicational data between suppliers and consumers are greatly enabled by the Smart Electricity in Grid. Reliable and Feasible micro energy generated due to Dynamic Energy Management (DEM) and the electricity market by consumers and suppliers. The smart grid features ICCM, aims to bring out the power at reduced cost. Powerful and practical DEM relies on load and sustainable production. Smart meters attain the huge data quantity through practical methods and solutions in this real world working. Smart Grids are enhanced by the operations such as data analytics, giving out high performance estimation, Adequate data network management and cloud computing. This paper aims focusthe issuesin big data and challenges experienced by the Dynamic Energy Management signed in Smart Grid. A detail explanation of data processing techniques that are mostly implemented and It also provides a brief description of the most commonly used data processing methods and recommended proposes a upcoming future directional research in thefield.


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  • How to Cite

    E. Laxmi Lydia, D., Prasanna Kumar, B., & Ramya, D. (2018). Generation of dynamic energy management using data mining techniques basing on big data analytics isssues in smart grids. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.26), 85-89.

    Received date: 2018-05-06

    Accepted date: 2018-05-06

    Published date: 2018-05-07