Monophonic wirelength on Circulant Networks

  • Authors

    • K Uma Samundesvari Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ponjesly College ofEngineering, Nagercoil, 629003, India
    • Sindhuja G. Michael
  • Circulant Networks, Edge Congestion, Grid, Monophonic Distance, Wirelength
  • Abstract

    In this paper, we define the monophonic embedding of graph G into graph H and we present an algorithm for finding the monophonic wirelength of circulant networks into the family of grids M(n×2), n≥2.The monophonic embedding of a graph G into a graph H is an embedding denoted by fm is a bijective map from the vertex set of G into the vertex set of H and fm is a one-one mapping from the edge set (x, y) of G into Pm(H) where Pm(H) is the set of monophonic paths between fm(x) and fm(y) for every fm(x), fm(y) H. The monophonic wirelength of fm of G into H is the sum of distances of monophonic paths between two vertices fm(x) and fm(y) in H such that (x, y) E(G). This paper presents a monophonic algorithm to find the monophonic wirelength of circulant networks G(2n, ±S) , where S {1,2,3,…,n} into the family of grids M[n×2],n≥2. We also derived a Lemma to get the monophonic edge congestion MEC(G,H).



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Uma Samundesvari, K., & G. Michael, S. (2018). Monophonic wirelength on Circulant Networks. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 1154-1156.

    Received date: 2018-05-08

    Accepted date: 2018-05-19

    Published date: 2018-06-23