An ultra-wide band printed small aperture tapered slot phased array antenna covering 6-18GHZ
Ultra Wideband, Phased Arrays, Printed Tapered Slot Antenna, Parametric Analysis, Grating Lobes. -
For phased array applications covering ultra wide bandwidth, it is necessary to restrict the size of the aperture to less than λ/2 at highest frequency of operation. For 6-18 GHz coverage, an aperture size of less than 9.76mm is required for scanning to ±450 without appearance of grating lobes and occurrence of element pattern nulls over the band. Meeting this requirement a printed tapered slot antenna has been designed with the above aperture size. Detailed parametric studies have been carried out over 6-18 GHz and dimensions have been opti-mized for return loss. The design has been carried out with HFSS software. A return loss of less than -7.5dB across 5.6 - 20 GHz has been obtained for a single antenna. Also satisfactory radiation patterns have been obtained.
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How to Cite
NagaPavani, G., Lakshmi Prasanna, C., & N.N. Sastry, D. (2018). An ultra-wide band printed small aperture tapered slot phased array antenna covering 6-18GHZ. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2628-2632. date: 2018-05-13
Accepted date: 2018-05-30
Published date: 2018-09-24