A novel approach to medical image watermarking for tamper detection and recovery of region of interest using block compression and checksum

  • Authors

    • Gangadhara Rao K Acharya Nagarjuna University
    • Chaitanya Konda Acharya Nagarjuna University
  • Region of Interest, Region of Non-Interest, Division Hash Function, Lossless Block Compression, Checksum.
  • Abstract

    Effective use of telecommunication and information technology in telemedicine increases the medical services to the patients who are from far away locations. The doctors provide these services by evaluating the patient details & scans like CT Scan, MRI and Ultra Sound. The patient information is exchanged between doctors and patients on a public network which is not safe. In medical image, specific regions are very important to diagnosis known as Region of Interest (ROI) and the rest of the regions are not of much importance known as Region of Non-Interest (RONI). Providing security to the ROI is an important issue hence medical image watermarking is used to transmit the medical images by embedding the ROI into RONI. At the destination, if tampering is found in ROI then recovery of ROI is possible by extracting the ROI from RONI. In the proposed method, the medical image is divided into three parts: BORDER, ROI and RONI. Further the ROI and RONI are divided into blocks and each ROI block is mapped to RONI block by applying division hash function. Lossless block compression technique is applied to each ROI block and embedded the compressed ROI block into mapped RONI block. To provide authenticity to ROI, checksum is calculated for ROI and embed this checksum in BORDER. Again checksum is calculated for each ROI block and placed in mapped RONI blocks. Whether ROI is tampered or not, is to be identified by extracting the checksum from BORDER and if it is tampered then recover the ROI by mapped RONI. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is estimated by the performance measures mainly Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The proposed method gives good results on average 55 dB of PSNR compared to the previous methods [21] by efficiently compressing the ROI and by checking the authenticity.

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  • How to Cite

    K, G. R., & Konda, C. (2018). A novel approach to medical image watermarking for tamper detection and recovery of region of interest using block compression and checksum. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2137-2148. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.12855

    Received date: 2018-05-16

    Accepted date: 2018-06-08

    Published date: 2018-09-10