An XML based Web Crawler with Page Revisit Policy and Updation in Local Repository of Search Engine

  • Authors

    • Jyoti Mor Ansal University, Gurugram
    • Dr Dinesh Rai Ansal University, Gurugram
    • Dr Naresh Kumar MSIT, New Delhi
  • WWW, Search Engine, Web Crawler, Network Resources, Page Revisit.
  • Abstract

    In a large collection of web pages, it is difficult for search engines to keep their online repository updated. Major search engines have hundreds of web crawlers that crawl the WWW day and night and send the downloaded web pages via a network to be stored in the search engine’s database. These results in over utilization of network resources like bandwidth, CPU cycles and so on. This paper proposes an architecture that tries to reduce the utilization of shared network resources with the help of an advanced XML based approach. This focused crawling based architecture is trained to download only the high quality data from the internet leaving behind the web pages which are not relevant to the desired domain. Here, a detailed layout of the proposed system is described which is capable of reducing the load on network and reducing the problem arise in residency of mobile agent at the remote server.



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  • How to Cite

    Mor, J., Dinesh Rai, D., & Naresh Kumar, D. (2018). An XML based Web Crawler with Page Revisit Policy and Updation in Local Repository of Search Engine. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 1119-1123.

    Received date: 2018-05-17

    Accepted date: 2018-06-01

    Published date: 2018-06-23