Motion control of linear induction motor based on optimal recurrent wavelet neural network-PID controller

  • Authors

    • Ameer L. Saleh university of misan-iraq
    • Badiryah A. Obaid Middle Technical University
    • Adel A. Obed Southern Technical University
  • LIM, Modeling and Simulation, SVPWM Inverter, IFOC Method, RWNN, PSO Algorithm.
  • Abstract

    This paper contains a proposed controller based on optimal recurrent wavelet neural network (RWNN) with PID controller to control the velocity and hence the stator current as well as the developed thrust of three phase linear induction motor (LIM) which consider the end effects. A vector control represented by indirect field oriented control (IFOC) technique is appointed to attain velocity and flux control for different loading conditions. Moreover, a voltage source inverter based on space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) is utilized to give the required stator voltage of LIM. A well-known particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is employed for online tuning of the proposed controller. The computer simulation results show that this controller is effective and gives preferable and rigorous performance compared with a results obtained from conventional wavelet neural network (WNN) and PID controllers.



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  • How to Cite

    L. Saleh, A., A. Obaid, B., & A. Obed, A. (2018). Motion control of linear induction motor based on optimal recurrent wavelet neural network-PID controller. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2028-2034.

    Received date: 2018-05-18

    Accepted date: 2018-08-08

    Published date: 2018-09-05