Gutman Index and Harary Index of Unitary Cayley Graphs

  • Authors

    • Roshan Philipose Noorul Islam University
    • Sarasija P B Noorul Islam University
  • Complete Graph, Gutman Index, Harary Index, Topological index, Unitary Cayley Graphs.
  • In this paper, we determine the Gutman Index and Harary Index of Unitary Cayley Graphs. The Unitary Cayley Graph Xn is the graph with vertex set  V(Xn) ={u|u∈ Zn} and edge set {uv|gcd(u−v, n) = 1 and u, v ∈ Zn }, where Zn ={0,1,...,n−1}.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Philipose, R., & P B, S. (2018). Gutman Index and Harary Index of Unitary Cayley Graphs. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3), 1243-1244.