Application of sensitivity analysis and genopt to optimize the energy performance of a building in Morocco
Energy Efficiency, Heating and Cooling, Optimization, Sensitivity Analysis, TRNSYS. -
The worldwide demographic and economic growth increases the global need for energy and directly contributes to climate change. In Morocco, the residential real estate is the third largest consumer of energy after transport and industry sectors. Thus, the aim of this study is to help engineers improve the energy performance of residential buildings by coupling the TRNSYS software both with a sensitivity analysis method and with an optimization tool. In fact, sensitivity analysis allows reducing the number of input parameters of any studied model, by ranking their degree of impact on any chosen output, and then discard the parameters with the least influence on that output. To do so, we developed algorithms in Python programming language to combine the open source library SALib, available in Github platform, with the TRNSYS software. Then, the chosen input parameters can be optimized through coupling the generic optimization program Genopt with TRNSYS. This article will also explain how these tools were applied to reduce the heating & air-conditioning needs of a high-energy consumption building in Morocco, while studying the variation of nineteen input parameters in TRNSYS. The main aim is to meet the energy performance requirement of the Moroccan thermal regulation for buildings.
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How to Cite
Serbouti, A., Rattal, M., Boulal, A., Harmouchi, M., & Mouhsen, A. (2018). Application of sensitivity analysis and genopt to optimize the energy performance of a building in Morocco. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2068-2074. date: 2018-06-14
Accepted date: 2018-08-25
Published date: 2018-09-10