Non Verbal Communication for Analyzing the Malpractice in Examinations– An Overview

  • Authors

    • Kujani T
    • Sathya T
    • Bhuvanya R
    • Uma S
  • Machine learning, gesture recognition, collaborative learning, Feature Extraction, Social signal Processing.
  • Abstract

    Nonverbal communication can specify the psychosomatic behavior of people involved in interpersonal communication. Many researchers have specified the importance of gesture intimation. In the paper, we shall apply the previously used computer vision hardware and Machine Learning techniques for capturing the postures students undergoing examination in the classroom atmosphere. The main       intention is to classify the people who involved in misbehavior such as copying, prompting answers, sharing the answer scripts and any other such practices. Current situation prevailing is though a physical monitor, invigilator is available in the exam hall the students     attempt to misbehave in various ways mentioned above. We discuss about the techniques to be employed to get an analysis of the       behavior of each student involved in exam.


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  • How to Cite

    T, K., T, S., R, B., & S, U. (2018). Non Verbal Communication for Analyzing the Malpractice in Examinations– An Overview. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.20), 227-229.

    Received date: 2018-05-26

    Accepted date: 2018-05-26

    Published date: 2018-04-18