Organizational Culture and Ethics in Decision-Making

  • Authors

    • Bibiana Anak Manggai
    • Kassim bin Thukiman
    • Muhammad Fauzi bin Othman
    • Muhammad Khairi bin Abdul Majid
  • Organizational Culture, Practice and Cultural Organization, Decision Making, Ethical Decision, Ethical Decision Making Factors
  • Abstract

    Malaysia was recorded outnumber of accidents in the world. The traffic Police is the responsible body for  ensuring to maintain the law on the road which assists the public for smooth travelling The media reports stated that the traffic police uses their power in wrong ways and is showing not profession with their duties. This happens due to lack of organizational culture among civil servants which are not practiced in the right ways according to the justice and their professions.  Therefore, this article focuses on the organizational culture that should be practiced and the decisions that need to be practiced. Further, the ethical factors based decisions should be performed by traffic police. The topic selected will expect to improve the organizational culture and an ethical decision making among law’s practitioner and traffic police. In addition, the positive view can also give to the public on the ethical decision making that could be practiced by traffic police. In conclusion, the improvement of organizational culture should be refined to produce law practitioners and implementers in ethical especially for civil servants in decision-making.



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  • How to Cite

    Anak Manggai, B., bin Thukiman, K., Fauzi bin Othman, M., & Khairi bin Abdul Majid, M. (2018). Organizational Culture and Ethics in Decision-Making. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.29), 257-259.

    Received date: 2018-05-26

    Accepted date: 2018-05-26

    Published date: 2018-05-22