Parikh factor matrices for finite words of rectangular Hilbert space filling curve
Ordered patterns, rises, descents, parikh matrix, factors, rectangular space filling curve. -
Ordered Factor Patterns in a word over an ordered alphabet aredefined. Also, Parikh StrictlyAscending FactorMatrix and Parikh StrictlyDescending Factor Matrix of a given word are introduced. The relation of these matrices with Ordered Factor Patterns is discussed. Moreover, the ParikhStrictly Ascending FactorMatrices and the Parikh Strictly Descending FactorMatricesfor finitewords of Rectangular Hilbert Space Filling Curve are determined.Â
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How to Cite
Jeya Bharathi, S., Thiagarajan, K., & Navaneetham, K. (2018). Parikh factor matrices for finite words of rectangular Hilbert space filling curve. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.31), 50-55. date: 2018-05-28
Accepted date: 2018-05-28
Published date: 2018-05-29