Detection of noxious gases by implementing internet of things technology

  • Authors

    • G Arun Sai
    • B Bharat Kumar
    • K Sai Likhitha
    • Raju Anitha
  • Ardunio Uno R3, Gas Sensor, Radiation Sensor, Wi-Fi Module, Internet Of Things.
  • Abstract

    Harmful gas leakage accidents are the main reason for workers death in industries which work mainly using chemicals. Gas leakage can be easily detected and controlled by using latest trends in information technology by applying internet of things. This project intended to avoid industrial accidents and to monitor harmful gases and to intimate alert message to safety control board of industry using arduino Uno r3 and internet of things. Arduino Uno r3 board is used as central microcontroller which is connected with sensor. Such as temperature, gas sensor, alcohol sensor which can continuously monitor respective environmental parameters. Hence this device may be used as multi gases detection apparatus more over the rate of response is high. An alarm is produced instantly if the level of the gases goes above the normal level means indication through the internet specific receiver section. Data received by sensor  is stored in internet which can be used for further processing and it can be analyzed for improving safety regulations. This model can be future extended for providing better living environment for people in and around industries with a pollution controlled environment.



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  • How to Cite

    Arun Sai, G., Bharat Kumar, B., Sai Likhitha, K., & Anitha, R. (2018). Detection of noxious gases by implementing internet of things technology. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.32), 18-22.

    Received date: 2018-05-30

    Accepted date: 2018-05-30

    Published date: 2018-05-31