Implementation of Identity Management Using Open ID Protocol
2018-05-31 -
Open ID Protocol, Identity Management. -
Identity Management has turned into an imperative theme in the distributed computing conditions, where cloud suppliers need to control usernames, passwords and other data used to recognize, validate and approve clients for some, unique facilitated applications. Every one of the vulnerabilities seen on non-cloud arrangements are presently found in the cloud, yet different issues are presented. One would be the capacity to oversee characters of clients when sending information to the cloud .Second would be the identity administration of clients accepting information from the cloud. Furthermore, third would be administration of user id’s when information is moved from cloud to cloud. Open ID is an open standard and decentralized confirmation protocol. Promoted by the non-benefit Open ID Foundation, it enables clients to be verified by co-working locales (known as Relying Parties or RP) utilizing an outsider administration, taking out the requirement for website admin to give their own particular specially appointed login frameworks, and enabling clients to sign into numerous inconsequential sites without having a different personality and secret key for each.
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How to Cite
L.Swathi, K., Divya, P., Amruthavarshini, A., & B.VijayaBabu, D. (2018). Implementation of Identity Management Using Open ID Protocol. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.32), 104-107. date: 2018-05-31
Accepted date: 2018-05-31
Published date: 2018-05-31