Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Assessing the Participant Perception Towards the Implementation of Sciencexplorer Programme

  • Authors

    • Aida Muhamad
    • Ida Aryanie Bahrudin
    • Nor Faezah Adan
    • Mohd Ezree Abdullah
    • Muhammad Sufi Bin Roslan
    • Raudah Mohd Adnan
    • Zulkarnain Md Amin
  • Voluntary Services, Social Responsible, Learning by Doing
  • Abstract

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects have always been complex subjects for school children as many experienced difficulty and complexity in grasping the basic conceptual knowledge. Therefore, Centre for Diploma Studies (CeDS) of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is moving forward to achieve sustainable development for society by pursuing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through National Blue Ocean Strategy 4 (NBOS 4) initiatives. As a member of the society, CeDS try to ensure that the society will acquire the benefit of CeDS business activities as a whole.. ScienceXplorer programme had been implemented to attract primary school students in learning science. ScienceXplorer is a programme that basically implementing the concept of learning by doing. This study was performed to assess participant perception towards the implementation of ScienceXplorer. A self-completion questionnaire had been designed with a series of Likert scale questions that organized to gather participants’ perceptions of participating ScienceXplorer. The questionnaire had been designed using Kirk Patrick Evaluation Model. There were 148 participants from three primary schools took part in this study. In this scope of study, ScienceXplorer participants rated very high in terms of reflection, knowledge and skill, changes in behaviour and aspiration.



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  • How to Cite

    Muhamad, A., Aryanie Bahrudin, I., Faezah Adan, N., Ezree Abdullah, M., Sufi Bin Roslan, M., Mohd Adnan, R., & Md Amin, Z. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Assessing the Participant Perception Towards the Implementation of Sciencexplorer Programme. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.29), 406-411.

    Received date: 2018-06-04

    Accepted date: 2018-06-04

    Published date: 2018-05-22