Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Correlate of Students Attitude, Self-Belief, Students Engagement in Mathematics Lessons and Mathematics Achievement
2018-05-22 -
Student attitude toward mathematics, Students self-belief, students engagement in Mathematics, mathematics achievement, Confirmatory Factor Analysis -
The study aimed to propose the Confirmatory Factor Analysis via four latent variables : 1) Students Attitude toward mathematics, 2) Self-belief in mathematics, 3) Students engagement in mathematics lessons and 4) Mathematics Achievement and 19 observed variables and then we conduct to the correlations between latent variables and observed variables. The subjects were 5795 eight grades students from the result of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 assessment conducted in Indonesia. Data Analysis were undertaken using the Lisrel software to examine the effect of students attitude toward mathematics, students self belief and students engagement in mathematics lesson for mathematics achievement. The proposed Confirmatory Factor Analysis model of the latent variables and observed variables fit well with the empirical data set (RMSEA = 0,071). The results of multivariate analyses has shown a strong negative relationship between student attitude toward mathematics, self-belief in mathematics and their mathematics achievement (t value = -6.32 and t = -6.10, respectively) and a strong positive relationship between students engagement in mathematics lesson with mathematics achievement (t value = 8,28).
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How to Cite
Rahmatina, D. (2018). Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Correlate of Students Attitude, Self-Belief, Students Engagement in Mathematics Lessons and Mathematics Achievement. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.29), 535-539. date: 2018-06-07
Accepted date: 2018-06-07
Published date: 2018-05-22