Noisy texture analysis based on higher order spectra
Texture analysis, Higher order spectra, Phase, Wrapped Cauchy distribution, Texture classification -
Texture is described in several approaches by 1st and 2nd order statistics which cannot preserve phase information carried by the Fourier spectrum. Besides, these statistics are very sensitive to noise. In this paper, we study features derived from higher order spectra, especially the third order spectrum, namely the bispectrum, known to offer a high noise immunity and to recover Fourier phase information. In this paper, we exploit phase preservation property by using bispectrum phase. We propose wrapped Cauchy distribution to model phase. Wrapped Cauchy parameters are estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood function. Experiments show that the wrapped Cauchy distribution fits our phase information well. Hence, their parameters are used to feed our feature vector in order to classify textures corrupted by Gaussian noise. Classification results using the proposed approach show a good noise immunity compared to a statistical model based on Gabor phase. -
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How to Cite
LAGDALI, S., & RZIZA, M. (2018). Noisy texture analysis based on higher order spectra. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 1622-1625. date: 2018-06-12
Accepted date: 2018-07-12
Published date: 2018-07-27