The Combining Technique of Calculating the Sections of Reinforced Concrete Bending Elements Normal to its Longitudinal Axis, Based on the Deformation Model
deformation model, load-bearing capacity, reinforced concrete beam, stress-strain state. -
Methodical foundations for calculating the strength of normal sections of various types of steel-concrete bending elements are proposed, which allow calculating in dependence on the stress-strain state (SSS) at the moment of destruction of its components (concrete and structural reduced steel profile). The basis of the calculation allows solving two problems: the problem of determining the optimal section of reduced structural steel profile (RSSP), which reinforced the section of steel-concrete bending elements; the task of verifying the load-bearing capacity of a normal reduced section of various types of steel-concrete bending elements.
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How to Cite
Galinska, T., Ovsii, D., & Ovsii, M. (2018). The Combining Technique of Calculating the Sections of Reinforced Concrete Bending Elements Normal to its Longitudinal Axis, Based on the Deformation Model. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.2), 123-127. date: 2018-06-19
Accepted date: 2018-06-19
Published date: 2018-06-20