Sentiment Analysis for Product Recommendation Using Random Forest
2018-06-21 -
Natural Language Processing, Ordinal classification, product recommendation, Random Forest, Sentiment Analysis -
Analysis of sentiments is to analyze the natural language and to find the emotions, express by the human beings. The idea behind sentiment analysis is to determine polarity of textual opinion given by person. Sentiment Analysis is useful in product recommendations. Based on the reviews given by the user; the products can be recommended to another user. Major product websites are using sentiment analysis to understand the popularity and problems with the product. Sentiment analysis mainly formulated as two class classification problem, positive and negative. Sentiment analysis using ordinal classification gives more clear idea about sentiments. The proposed system determines polarity of reviews given by users, using ordinal classification. The system will give polarity using machine learning algorithms SVM and Random Forest. The achieved polarity will be used to provide recommendation to users.
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How to Cite
Khanvilkar, G., & Deepali Vora, P. (2018). Sentiment Analysis for Product Recommendation Using Random Forest. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.3), 87-89. date: 2018-06-21
Accepted date: 2018-06-21
Published date: 2018-06-21