Efficient Document Clustering for Web Search Result
2018-06-21 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.3.14494 -
Document Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, K-means, Spherical k-means, GFA, Distance for Euclidean, To measure the Cosine, Text data mining, Knowledge discovery in databases -
Clustering the document in data mining is one of the traditional approach in which the same documents that are more relevant are grouped together. Document clustering take part in achieving accuracy that retrieve information for systems that identifies the nearest neighbors of the document. Day to day the massive quantity of data is being generated and it is clustered. According to particular sequence to improve the cluster qualityeven though different clustering methods have been introduced, still many challenges exist for the improvement of document clustering. For web search purposea document in group is efficiently arranged for the result retrieval.The users accordingly search query in an organized way. Hierarchical clustering is attained by document clustering.To the greatest algorithms for groupingdo not concentrate on the semantic approach, hence resulting to the unsatisfactory output clustering. The involuntary approach of organizing documents of web like Google, Yahoo is often considered as a reference. A distinct method to identify the existing group of similar things in the previously organized documents and retrieves effective document classifier for new documents. In this paper the main concentration is on hierarchical clustering and k-means algorithms, hence prove that k-means and its variant are efficient than hierarchical clustering along with this by implementing greedy fast k-means algorithm (GFA) for cluster document in efficient way is considered.
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How to Cite
Rani Manukonda, S., Kmit, A., ., N., ., H., Divya, N., Cmrit, A. P., ., M., & ., H. (2018). Efficient Document Clustering for Web Search Result. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.3), 90-92. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.3.14494Received date: 2018-06-21
Accepted date: 2018-06-21
Published date: 2018-06-21