Deformability of Short Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures on Light Concrete

  • Authors

    • Oleksandr Semko
    • Viktor Dariienko
    • Vitaliy Sirobaba
  • concrete filled steel tube, testing, modeling, polystyrene concrete.
  • Abstract

    The calculation, modeling and experimental research of steel-concrete tubular elements made of thin-walled galvanized sheet metal and lightweight concrete have been carried out. The proposed type of structures can be used as a separate structure in the form of a column or a pillar, and one of the types of the reinforcement of a certain light structure. The basic technological and constructive requirements for manufacturing and further exploitation of structures are given. For determination of actual work’s indexes of constructions experimental research of standards are undertaken, and recommendations on adjustment of well-known calculation formulas of close constructions as for structural parameters are given. The design (modeling) was performed in MSC / Nastran software. An analysis of the proposed structures use is carried out with the corresponding conclusions.


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  • How to Cite

    Semko, O., Dariienko, V., & Sirobaba, V. (2018). Deformability of Short Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures on Light Concrete. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.2), 370-375.

    Received date: 2018-06-23

    Accepted date: 2018-06-23

    Published date: 2018-06-20