The Definition of the Optimal Energy-Efficient form of the Building

  • Authors

    • Oleg Sergeychuk
    • Viacheslav Martynov
    • Dmytro Usenko
  • form, geometry model, optimization, solar radiation, thermal radiation.
  • Abstract

    We consider the problem of finding a geometrical form of a body in a thermal radiation field, for which the thermal balance between the body and the surrounding air is minimal. The case of a point source of heat is investigated. To consider an analogous problem for buildings, one must know the value of incoming thermal energy to a unit square in relation to its orientation. We develop an application package in MATLAB that represents this relation in table form and takes into consideration the direct, diffuse, ground-reflected solar radiation and the thermal radiation of atmosphere.



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  • How to Cite

    Sergeychuk, O., Martynov, V., & Usenko, D. (2018). The Definition of the Optimal Energy-Efficient form of the Building. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.2), 667-671.

    Received date: 2018-06-23

    Accepted date: 2018-06-23

    Published date: 2018-06-20