Design of testing framework for code smell detection (OOPS) using BFO algorithm

  • Authors

    • Pratiksha Sharma Chandigarh University
    • Er. Arshpreet Kaur Chandigarh University
  • Software Metrics, Code Smell Detection, BFOA Method, God Class and Lazy Class.
  • Detection of bad smells refers to any indication in the program code of a execution that perhaps designate a issue, maintain the software and software evolution. Code Smell detection is a main challenging for software developers and their informal classification direct to the designing of various smell detection methods and software tools. It appraises 4 code smell detection tool in software like as a in Fusion, JDeodorant, PMD and Jspirit. In this research proposes a method for detection the bad code smells in software is called as code smell. Bad smell detection in software, OOSMs are used to identify the Source Code whereby Plug-in were implemented for code detection in which position of program initial code the bad smell appeared so that software refactoring can then acquire position. Classified the code smell, as a type of codes: long method, PIH, LPL, LC, SS and GOD class etc. Detection of the code smell and as a result applying the correct detection phases when require is significant to enhance the Quality of the code or program. The various tool has been proposed for detection of the code smell each one featured by particular properties. The main objective of this research work described our proposed method on using various tools for code smell detection. We find the major differences between them and dissimilar consequences we attained. The major drawback of current research work is that it focuses on one particular language which makes them restricted to one kind of programs only. These tools fail to detect the smelly code if any kind of change in environment is encountered. The base paper compares the most popular code smell detection tools on basis of various factors like accuracy, False Positive Rate etc. which gives a clear picture of functionality these tools possess. In this paper, a unique technique is designed to identify CSs. For this purpose, various object-oriented programming (OOPs)-based-metrics with their maintainability index are used. Further, code refactoring and optimization technique are applied to obtain low maintainability Index. Finally, the proposed scheme is evaluated to achieve satisfactory results. The results of the BFOA test defined that the lazy class caused framework defects in DLS, DR, and SE. However, the LPL caused no framework defects what so ever. The consequences of the connection rules test searched that the LCCS (Lazy Class Code Smell) caused structured defects in DE and DLS, which corresponded to the consequences of the BFOA test. In this research work, a proposed method is designed to verify the code smell. For this purpose, different OOPs based Software Metrics with their MI (Maintainability Index) are utilized. Further Code refactoring and optimization method id applied to attained the less maintainability index and evaluated to achieved satisfactory results.




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  • How to Cite

    Sharma, P., & Arshpreet Kaur, E. (2018). Design of testing framework for code smell detection (OOPS) using BFO algorithm. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.27), 161-166.