Data Mining Models of High Dimensional Data Streams, and Contemporary Concept Drift Detection Methods: a Comprehensive Review

  • Authors

    • M Sankara Prasanna Kumar
    • A P. Siva Kumar
    • K Prasanna
  • CUSUM, streaming ensemble algorithm, concept drift detection, dimensional data streams, change-detection tests, Hoteling’s t-squared test, Bayesian Online Change Point Detection.
  • Abstract

    Concept drift is defined as the distributed data across multiple data streams that change over the time. Concept drift is visible only when the type of collected data changes after some stable period. The emergence of concept drift in data streams leads to increase misclassification and performing degradation of data streams. In order to obtain accurate results, identification of such concept drifts must be visible. This paper focused on a review of the issues related to identifying the changes occurred in the various multivariate high dimensional data streams. The insight of the manuscript is probing the inbuilt difficulties of existing contemporary change-detection methods when they encounter during data dimensions scales.



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  • How to Cite

    Sankara Prasanna Kumar, M., P. Siva Kumar, A., & Prasanna, K. (2018). Data Mining Models of High Dimensional Data Streams, and Contemporary Concept Drift Detection Methods: a Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.6), 148-153.

    Received date: 2018-07-02

    Accepted date: 2018-07-02

    Published date: 2018-07-04