Authorization of Data In Hadoop Using Apache Sentry

  • Authors

    • N Sirisha
    • K V.D. Kiran
  • Hadoop, apache sentry, security, TDE, encryption zone, knox, ranger.
  • Abstract

    Big Data has become more popular, as it can provide on-demand, reliable and flexible services to users such as storage and its processing. The data security has become a major issue in the Big data. The open source HDFS software is used to store huge amount of data with high throughput and fault tolerance and Map Reduce is used for its computations and processing. However, it is a significant target in the Hadoop system, security model was not designed and became the major drawback of Hadoop software. In terms of storage, meta data security, sensitive data  and also the data security will be an serious issue in HDFS. With the importance of Hadoop in today's enterprises, there is also an increasing trend in providing a high security features in enterprises. Over recent years, only some level of security in Hadoop such as Kerberos and Transparent Data Encryption(TDE),Encryption techniques, hash techniques are shown for Hadoop. This paper, shows the efforts that are made to present Hadoop Authorization security issues using Apache Sentry in HDFS.


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  • How to Cite

    Sirisha, N., & V.D. Kiran, K. (2018). Authorization of Data In Hadoop Using Apache Sentry. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.6), 234-236.

    Received date: 2018-07-02

    Accepted date: 2018-07-02

    Published date: 2018-07-04