Context Awareness Technology Using Parallel Mining for Ambient Assisted Living System
2018-04-17 -
AAL, Big data, Cloud computing, Context management system, Rule induction -
In this paper, context awareness is a promising technology that provides health care services and a niche area of big data paradigm. The  drift in Knowledge  Discovery from Data refers to a set of activities designed to refine and extract new knowledge from complex datasets. The  proposed model facilitates a parallel mining of frequent item sets for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) System [a.k.a. Health Care [System] of big data that reside  inside a cloud environment. We extend a knowledge discovery framework for  processing and classifying the abnormal conditions of patients having fluctuations in Blood Pressure (BP) and Heart Rate(HR) and storing this data sets called Big data into Cloud to access from anywhere  when needed.  This  accessed data is used to compare the new data with it, which helps to know the patients health condition.
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How to Cite
Vivek, J., Maharnisha, G., Roopesh Kumar, G., Karun Sagar, C., & Arunraj, R. (2018). Context Awareness Technology Using Parallel Mining for Ambient Assisted Living System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.19), 52-54. date: 2018-07-04
Accepted date: 2018-07-04
Published date: 2018-04-17