Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Framework for the Integrated Urban Water System
MCDA, uncertainty, framework, risk management, performance assessment. -
Over the past century urban water system of developed and developing cities are under increasing stress as water dearth. The estimation of possible solutions for water management in megacities requires the spatially distributed dynamic and grid-based replication of the evolution of public water infrastructure under consideration of changes (e.g. climate, global, environment, economy, and land-use). These simulations can be realized with the help of frameworks for integrated urban water system. The MCDA framework for integrated approaches of urban water system is characterized as single system (COMBINED SEWER SYSTEM) and entire system (WATER DISTRIBUTION, SEWER NETWORK etc.) investigation with consideration of decentralized system and spatial-temporal interactions and the dynamic feedback of population models to water infrastructure. Urban water system needs the frame work which will meet the sustainable needs of future. The present work identifies the best solutions for existing problems in urban water infrastructure while making interaction with stakeholders to reach sustainable framework for urban water management in this water dearth regions. This framework will provide new knowledge of sustainable integration system between the social and environmental issues.
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How to Cite
Shrivastava, P., K. Verma, M., Murmu, M., & Ahmad, I. (2018). Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Framework for the Integrated Urban Water System. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.6), 290-293. date: 2018-07-05
Accepted date: 2018-07-05
Published date: 2018-07-04