Implementation of a* algorithm within navigation mesh in an artificial intelligence based video games
A* Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Navigation Mesh, Pathfinding, Video Games. -
Pathfinding is one of the key components for Artificial Intelligence in video games, It addresses the problem to find the shortest path be-tween starting point and destination point, before A* became a staple algorithm for pathfindings, many search algorithms were used in-cluding Djikstra, Depth, and Breadth-First searches, Pathfindings are known to be resource-intensive processes especially in a large world but it mostly depends on what algorithm the game is using and what method it is implemented, using A* combined with Navigation Mesh, a popular abstract data structure in video games, this paper reviews the overall system resources used during the pathfinding pro-cess with a destination point that is always moving in a real-time so that it will gives realistic results since, in video games, a Player is constantly moves around the world, the result that we have gathered, we have concluded that A* flawlessly works with Navigation Mesh, and the performance impacts of both A* and Navigation Mesh combined is non-existent.
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How to Cite
Subrando, T., Akbar Drasetyatama, F., & Fitrianah, D. (2018). Implementation of a* algorithm within navigation mesh in an artificial intelligence based video games. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 3918-3923. date: 2018-07-06
Accepted date: 2018-08-29
Published date: 2018-12-06