Design Theory in the Research of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems with Organizational Artistic-Aesthetic and Culturological Structures in the Development of Post-Nonclassical Methodology Based on Nbic-Convergences
NBIC - convergence, design, VCIDS, cognitive and bio-technologies, concept. -
In the theory of design, the processes (methodology) are explored of constructing complex cyber-physical systems with organizational artistic and aesthetic structures that arise in the course of civilizational crises in the context of a universal history in the evolution of its culture based on NBIC-convergences.
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How to Cite
L. Zhukov, V., & T. Zhukova, L. (2018). Design Theory in the Research of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems with Organizational Artistic-Aesthetic and Culturological Structures in the Development of Post-Nonclassical Methodology Based on Nbic-Convergences. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.5), 60-64. date: 2018-07-06
Accepted date: 2018-07-06
Published date: 2018-07-07