Liquid Induced Vibrations of Truncated Elastic Conical Shells with Elastic and Rigid Bottoms

  • Authors

    • Yury V. Naumenko
    • Vasyl I. Gnitko
    • Elena A. Strelnikova
  • Boundary element method, liquid sloshing, truncated conical shells, rigid and elastic bottoms.
  • Abstract

    A method of estimating natural modes and frequencies of vibrations for elastic shells of revolution conveying a liquid is proposed. The vibration modes of the liquid-filled elastic shells are presented as linear combinations of their own vibration modes without liquid. The explicit expression for fluid pressure is defined using Bernoulli’s integral and potential theory suppositions. Non-penetration, kinematic, and dynamic boundary conditions are applied at the shell walls and on a free liquid surface, respectively. The solution of the hydro-elasticity problem is found out using an effective technique based on coupled finite and boundary element methods. Computational vibration analysis of elastic truncated conical shells with different fixation conditions is accomplished. Sloshing and elastic walls frequencies and modes of liquid-filled truncated conical tanks are estimated. Both rigid and elastic bottoms of shells are considered. Some examples of numerical estimations are provided to testify the efficiency of the developed method



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    V. Naumenko, Y., I. Gnitko, V., & A. Strelnikova, E. (2018). Liquid Induced Vibrations of Truncated Elastic Conical Shells with Elastic and Rigid Bottoms. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.23), 335-339.

    Received date: 2018-07-09

    Accepted date: 2018-07-09

    Published date: 2018-04-20