Encryption-Based Secure and Efficient Access Control to Out Sourced Data in Cloud Computing

  • Authors

    • V Naresh
    • M Anudeep
    • M Saipraneeth
    • A Saikumar Reddy
    • V Navya
  • Cloud storage, Slim Strip, policy-based access control, Decentralized elimination code, double serial proxy coding, threshold encoding, secure storage system, access control, reliable deletion
  • Abstract

    The cloud stockpiling framework, comprising of capacity servers, gives long haul stockpiling administrations on the Internet. Maintaining the data in the cloud computing of third parties generates: serious concern about the confidentiality of data and the reduction of data management costs. Nonetheless, we should give security certifications to outside information. We plan and actualize a protected cloud stockpiling framework that gives secure, secure and available record security for document administration and secure information exchange. It includes foreign files with a file access policy, possibly deleting files, to avoid being denied to anyone with a file access policy. To achieve these security objectives, a set of password keys is implemented that maintain a host (s) or head (s) separately. We offer a twofold edge intermediary coding plan and incorporate it with a decentralized disposal code, which is detailed with a safely Cloud storage framework. The Cloud storage system not only provides a secure and stable search and storage of data, but also allows the user to transfer their data to the user of the backup to another user without the data being returned.



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  • How to Cite

    Naresh, V., Anudeep, M., Saipraneeth, M., Saikumar Reddy, A., & Navya, V. (2018). Encryption-Based Secure and Efficient Access Control to Out Sourced Data in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.32), 315-321. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i2.32.15703

    Received date: 2018-07-16

    Accepted date: 2018-07-16

    Published date: 2018-05-31