An Advanced Sentiment Embeddings with Applications to Sentiment Based Result Analysis
2018-05-31 -
Sentimental Embedding’s, Sentimental polarity, natural language processing, Sentiment lexicon, Sentiment seeds. -
We propose an advanced well-trained sentiment analysis based adoptive analysis “word specific embedding’s, dubbed sentiment embedding’sâ€. Using available word and phrase embedded learning and trained algorithms mainly make use of contexts of terms but ignore the sentiment of texts and analyzing the process of word and text classifications. sentimental analysis on unlike words conveying same meaning matched to corresponding word vector. This problem is bridged by combining encoding opinion carrying text with sentiment embeddings words. But performing sentimental analysis on e-commerce, social networking sites we developed neural network based algorithms along with tailoring and loss function which carry feelings. This research apply embedding’s to word-level, sentence-level sentimental analysis and classification, constructing sentiment oriented lexicons. Experimental analysis and results addresses that sentiment embedding techniques outperform the context-based embedding’s on many distributed data sets. This work provides familiarity about neural networks techniques for learning word embedding’s in other NLP tasks.
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How to Cite
Srinidhi, K., L.S Tejaswi, T., Rama Rupesh Kumar, C., & Sai Siva Charan, I. (2018). An Advanced Sentiment Embeddings with Applications to Sentiment Based Result Analysis. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.32), 393-396. date: 2018-07-16
Accepted date: 2018-07-16
Published date: 2018-05-31