Design of Robust Decentralized Deregulated Fuzzy LFC-DR Model for an Interconnected Power System

  • Authors

    • P. Srividya Devi GRIET
    • R. Vijaya Santhi Andhra university
  • Demand Response, Fuzzy logic controller, Deregulated Environment., Load frequency control, Latency, Padé Approximation,
  • Abstract

    From the past few years Demand Response (DR) is playing a prominent role in Load Frequency Control (LFC) This leads to focus on LFC-DR model. For aggregating the small scale controllable loads Demand Response Load Frequency Control(LFC-DR) is widely used for distant measurements and control. Communication delay latency also plays a vital role in LFC-DR model. This paper investigates the control design for the Deregulated LFC-DR model. Communication delay latencies are linearized using rational approximations. Here Padé approximation with equal degree is employed. A robust Fuzzified Proportional Integral Derivative (Fuzzy-PID) controller is designed to deal with the latencies and load perturbations with DR loop. Case studies based on the two-area deregulated LFC-DR model is demonstrated. The efficacy of the proposed controller is observed by comparing with conventional controller under Deregulated LFC(DLFC) and Deregulated LFC-DR with different control.



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  • How to Cite

    Srividya Devi, P., & Vijaya Santhi, R. (2019). Design of Robust Decentralized Deregulated Fuzzy LFC-DR Model for an Interconnected Power System. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 6703-6710.

    Received date: 2018-07-18

    Accepted date: 2019-05-21

    Published date: 2019-07-14