Study With Comparing Big-Data Handling Techniques using Apache Hadoop Map Reduce VS Apache Spark

  • Authors

    • N. Deshai SRKR Bheemavaram
    • B. V.D.S.Sekhar SRKR Bheemavaram
    • S. Venkataramana SRKR Bheemavaram
    • V. V.S.S.S.Chakravarthy Raghu Institute of Tech Visakhapatnam
    • P. S.R.Chowdary RIT, VSKP
  • Big Data, Hadoop, Map Reduce, Spark .
  • Abstract

    Current digital world face trouble with massive information, again it made a demand for latest and advanced software frameworks for efficiently processing present world large data. Because digital world information is double rapidly, generally but existing and traditional tools for Big Data (BD) are becoming insufficient since enormous data processing towards to distributed, parallel, and group (Batch). Main essential thing is to evaluate tools and technologies, one important thing must follow the understanding of what to evaluate for. Even growing multiple options the intention of choosing Big Data functions for the digital world will be difficult. In the existing tools had merits, disadvantages and lack of many limitations but many had an overlapping custom. This survey looks at the major attention on BD the basic area is associated with analytics tools. In the current digital world (DW), exactly every computation perform on online as interactive processing also introduce apache free access tool to overcome restrictions and issues in Hadoop by Apache open Spark.


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  • How to Cite

    Deshai, N., V.D.S.Sekhar, B., Venkataramana, S., V.S.S.S.Chakravarthy, V., & S.R.Chowdary, P. (2019). Study With Comparing Big-Data Handling Techniques using Apache Hadoop Map Reduce VS Apache Spark. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 4839-4843.

    Received date: 2018-07-22

    Accepted date: 2018-09-06

    Published date: 2019-02-15